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Recovery News / fajas colombianas

Comfort Thighs Faja vs. Regular Fajas: Which One is Right for Your Recovery?

Comfort Thighs Faja vs. Regular Fajas: Which One is Right for Your Recovery?

Every patient’s body is unique, and so are their recovery needs. That’s why we’ve created two distinct types of fajas to cater to different body types and surgical procedures: the Regular Ogee Faja and the Comfort Thighs Faja.

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Ogee Faja: The Best Option for Body Contouring

Ogee Faja: The Best Option for Body Contouring

The functional fit of the Ogee Faja is where the magic happens. This area, located in the middle of the Ogee, offers the highest level of compression.
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How to Wear Your Compression Garment After a BBL

How to Wear Your Compression Garment After a BBL

The Ogee Faja was designed and created with all the bells and whistles, and you’ll understand that as soon as you put it on for the first time. You can depend on this faja to fit unlike any other on the market.
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The Ogee Faja Story

The Ogee Faja Story

Fajas, compression garments worn after liposuction to minimize swelling and ensure skin tightening, is essential to give you the best result after your procedure. You might think all the magic of shaping a buxom bottom happens after the operating room doors close, but that's far from the truth. 

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BBL Recovery – Fajas and Massage

BBL Recovery – Fajas and Massage

Massages are real great for a couple of reasons. Number one, the early massages, which I always recommend having the next day beginning the day after surgery, are really good for removing the fluid that your body produces, and some of the fluid that’s left behind from the liposuction.
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Do Waist Trainers Work?

Do Waist Trainers Work?

It is essential to mention that a person wearing a waist trainer will appear to have a smaller waist while wearing it, but not because the waist is being trained or reshaped.
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Compression Garments & Fat Survival

Compression Garments & Fat Survival

First, it’s right to be cautious about compression after a BBL. Too much can cause a laundry list of issues -- loss of fat and volume, but also more threatening complications that can make an already difficult recovery even more challenging.
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Putting On Your Faja

Putting On Your Faja

So, you got your Ogee Faja in the mail, and you’re so excited, but you’re likely looking at it, wondering how something so small will stretch to fit your body. Trust us – it does! Think of all that awesome cinching and compression! 

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The Ogee Faja: Postpartum Garment

The Ogee Faja: Postpartum Garment

From vital compression after liposuction or a BBL to postpartum support and even general shapewear, The Ogee Faja is the go-to girdle.
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compression garment

How Long Should You Wear A Faja?

After a tummy tuck or liposuction, most surgeons will advise their patients to wear a faja or compression garment of some sort, but wearing a faja after a BBL specifically, is absolutely vital to preserving your results.

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colombian faja

Why are fajas important to a BBL?

Though fajas are recommended for dozens of reasons, the big picture is that they are necessary during a BBL recovery because they improve results and reduce post-surgical discomfort. By wearing a faja as direct during recovery, patients take the first step in protecting and preserving their results.
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What is the Key Area and Why is it Key?

What is the Key Area and Why is it Key?

Everyone has a triangular Key Area, but the shape is slightly different per individual. While I spend a lot of time sculpting this part of the body during a BBL, and it is triangle-like on every person, the subtle differences in shape that are unique to each patient.
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