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Recovery News

Scars and Applying Ogee Scar Gel

Scars and Applying Ogee Scar Gel

Ogee Scar Gel, sold by Ogee Recovery, takes all the guesswork out of eliminating scars, and even better – it can be used on new, post-surgical, and old existing scars. The small, portable, and easy-to-use device lets patients achieve freedom from scars with a simple button flip.

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BBL Recovery – Fajas and Massage

BBL Recovery – Fajas and Massage

Massages are real great for a couple of reasons. Number one, the early massages, which I always recommend having the next day beginning the day after surgery, are really good for removing the fluid that your body produces, and some of the fluid that’s left behind from the liposuction.
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BBL: Self-Care and the Ogee Roller

BBL: Self-Care and the Ogee Roller

While a patient’s swelling after a BBL is likely to peak around day three, professionals believe that patients will hit a mental health roadblock by day five. During this point in recovery, many women are at their sorest, most sleep deprived, and are genuinely starting to doubt the process.

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Do Waist Trainers Work?

Do Waist Trainers Work?

It is essential to mention that a person wearing a waist trainer will appear to have a smaller waist while wearing it, but not because the waist is being trained or reshaped.
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How Should My Post-Surgical Bra Fit?

How Should My Post-Surgical Bra Fit?

After any breast surgery, a post-surgical bra is vital. It helps to support implants or breasts through compression. Compression stops blood from pooling around incision sites, minimizes swelling, and aids the body in healing.

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Achieving an Optimal Scar with the Ogee Scar System

Achieving an Optimal Scar with the Ogee Scar System

Nobody desires a scar post-surgery, yet it's a natural consequence of most surgical procedures. The key lies not in avoiding scars but in optimizing their appearance. Dr. William's Ogee Scar System simplifies the process of attaining the best possible scar post-surgery.

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How to Use the Ogee Roller After a BBL or After Liposuction

How to Use the Ogee Roller After a BBL or After Liposuction

Liposuction can occasionally leave the skin with uneven textures, including lumps and bumps. In some cases, it can even lead to fibrosis, compromising an otherwise flawless outcome. Enter the solution: the Ogee Roller, which some people have called a “vibrating rolling pin!”

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Why is Silicone Great for Scars?

Why is Silicone Great for Scars?

Our silicon-based scar gel provides a semi-permeable barrier that works a lot like skin. It traps in the body’s moisture, keeping scars or incisions hydrated while allowing oxygen to move freely. Through permeable hydration, silicon gel combines two powerful forces in healing. 

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Compression Garments & Fat Survival

Compression Garments & Fat Survival

First, it’s right to be cautious about compression after a BBL. Too much can cause a laundry list of issues -- loss of fat and volume, but also more threatening complications that can make an already difficult recovery even more challenging.
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Kiss your scars goodbye! The Ogee Scar Gel is here!

Kiss your scars goodbye! The Ogee Scar Gel is here!

The Ogee Scar Gel, designed by an American board-certified plastic surgeon and based on a two-year study, was created to combine a roll-on medical-grade scar gel with deep-down stimulating vibration because the key to eliminating scars isn’t just skin deep. 
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Compression Levels: The Ogee Faja

Compression Levels: The Ogee Faja

The Ogee Faja was designed to be unlike any other faja on the market. In fact, one of the most significant issues with today’s compression garments is that they don’t offer varied compression throughout the torso, hips, buttocks and upper legs. 
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Preparing for Plastic Surgery Checklist

Preparing for Plastic Surgery Checklist

 We understand your mind is probably racing with the dozens of things you need to get done before your surgical procedure – especially if it requires a longer recovery time.

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