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The Ogee Roller, Hypersensitivity and Touch Therapy

The Ogee Roller, Hypersensitivity and Touch Therapy

Post-surgery, the importance of massage is very well-known, understood, and documented. Massage helps with swelling, lymphatic drainage, fibrosis, and much more.

However, hypersensitivity is an additional typical issue after surgery, and it is best addressed through touch therapy. Certainly, massage may be considered a type of touch therapy, but it isn’t necessarily the channel most encouraged to address this particular issue.

Because nerves get disrupted during various procedures, a patient’s skin will likely feel strange after surgery. When a patient removes their faja, puts on clothes, or even touches themselves, it’s often accompanied by an unpleasant, prickly sensation. This is called hypersensitivity. To curtail this issue, which can be very uncomfortable, professionals recommend something called touch therapy.

Touch Therapy  

Touch therapy is the process of reconnecting to your body through physical touch, and patients should begin this practice almost immediately after surgery. By touching and running hands over the parts of the body that have recently undergone a procedure, a patient can start to re-associate themselves with stimulation.

A patient might first begin a day or so after their procedure by gently rubbing the skin when in and out of the faja garment. Skin-to-skin contact is an excellent way to start this process, but just after the first week or so (as patients can tolerate), it is highly encouraged to add in a rolling device.

Utilizing the Ogee Roller as a rolling device will not only help eliminate hypersensitivity, but it will also minimize the buildup of fibrosis and swelling and encourage drainage. 

How to Use

The Ogee Roller has attachable handles, a textured surface, deep vibration, and heat. To use -- click on the detachable handles, and move the device like a rolling pin, applying the desired pressure. Begin by rolling the device on the skin without adding the device’s heat or vibration features. 

Once a patient has moved on to the second pass-through, turning on the vibration and heat modes (per comfort) is recommended to squash hypersensitivity, fibrosis, and swelling.

In the early phase of recovery, patients may find using the Ogee Roller over top of their compression garment more comfortable. Further along in the healing process, patients are encouraged to use the Ogee Roller directly against the skin per their comfort level.

