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Recovery News / Garments

Comfort Thighs Faja vs. Regular Fajas: Which One is Right for Your Recovery?

Comfort Thighs Faja vs. Regular Fajas: Which One is Right for Your Recovery?

Every patient’s body is unique, and so are their recovery needs. That’s why we’ve created two distinct types of fajas to cater to different body types and surgical procedures: the Regular Ogee Faja and the Comfort Thighs Faja.

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The Ogee Faja: Shapewear

The Ogee Faja: Shapewear

The Ogee Faja was initially designed for a specific purpose – recovery support after a BBLliposuction or both. However, as the garment continued getting perfected, it was realized that the faja could also serve as the ideal companion not just after surgery or during postpartum.
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colombian faja

Why are fajas important to a BBL?

Though fajas are recommended for dozens of reasons, the big picture is that they are necessary during a BBL recovery because they improve results and reduce post-surgical discomfort. By wearing a faja as direct during recovery, patients take the first step in protecting and preserving their results.
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compression garment

What is a Functional Fit?

If you’re interested in a BBL or follow me on social media, you’ve likely heard me use the phrase ‘functional fit’ in reference to a faja. I want to take a few minutes to thoroughly explain what the term means and how it pertains specifically to The Ogee Faja.

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