Factors that Influence a BBL and Ogee Lipo (Part 2)
The Winning Combination, Fat Transfer and Point of Maximal Projection and Tissue Distensibility
As covered in part one of Factors that Influence a BBL and Ogee Lipo, dozens of things influence these procedures. From vectors and pelvic shape to asymmetries and max projection, every patient has difference in their bodies that will impact their overall look – ultimately making everyone’s results unique.
Part two of Factors that Influence a BBL and Ogee Lipo will cover the winning combination, fat transfer and point of maximal projection and tissue distensibility.
The Winning Combination
The winning combination for a BBL is like hitting the lottery, and it’s made up of two key components.
- A naturally small waist
- Large fat deposits in the love handles and in the key area
Fat Transfer
How much fat survives after BBL? There are many figures thrown around, but professionals really don’t know a particular number because it is different from patient to patient.

Three things contribute to how much fat will survive:
- Tissue distensibility
- Soil level
- Quality of fat
If someone who has deciding on surgery has very tight skin, there will be more pressure on the fat deposited, and they will likely lose more. The more elastic the skin, the more fat can be added.
Fat survival also depends on how much fat lives in the area before surgery. In an area of low soil (little fat), a lot of fat can’t be added because it’s likely that it will not survive.
There are different types of fat throughout the body, but many plastic surgeons agree that one of the best places to take fat from is the flanks. Fat in this area has high stem cells, increasing its chance of survival.
When patients go in for their consult and learn their unique circumstances and the percentage of fat that won’t survive, they often think that they can be filled up more to make up for what percentage of fat their expected to lose during recovery.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Most plastic surgeons fill up patients to the maximum amount of fat that their body will allow.
Point of Maximal Projection and Tissue Distensibility
Projection gives patients the round shape, and the two points of maximal projection connect nicely with the Ogee Line. In fact, the second point of max projection aligns with the Ogee Line in the center of the hip.
The first point is in the actual gluteus – the center of the butt cheek, right on top of the muscle. If you drew a line from the first point of maximal projection to the second – in the center of the hip along the Ogee Line – you’d have a straight line. When both points of maximal projection can be connected, patients get a very spherical shape. However, get patients perfectly round isn’t always possible because of limitations created by the spine and pelvic shape, fat transfer and tissue distensibility.
Tissue distensibility is simply the tightness of the skin. Generally, people with the greatest BBL results have softer skin, which expands better when fat is deposited. The tighter the skin, the less fat can be transferred.
Stay tuned for part three of Factors that Influence a BBL and Ogee Lipo. The topic covered will be vectors and pelvis Shape.