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Preparing for Plastic Surgery Checklist

Preparing for Plastic Surgery Checklist

 We understand your mind is probably racing with the dozens of things you need to get done before your surgical procedure – especially if it requires a longer recovery time.

With that in mind, we’ve accumulated a checklist of things to consider pre-surgery. If you’re well on your way to having any plastic surgery procedure, please look at the below list of recommendations!

  • Plan your post-surgery household– childcare, dinner, pet care, and more. Figuring out how your household will run without you for a few days is paramount so you can focus on healing.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking can cause nausea, aggravate the lungs during your procedure, and slow your recovery. We want you back on your feet as quickly as possible!
  • Get your prescriptions filled. Taking care of medicines before your procedure ensures that you’ll have them when needed.
  • Confirm transportation. Not only will someone need to drive you to and from your surgery, but you’ll also need help for a few days while you recover, especially while on pain medication. Seek out a friend, family member, or even a car service.
  • Select your caregiver and make sure they understand what’s expected of them. Depending on your procedure, you may need help during your recovery. Showering, walking, and even using the restroom may require assistance.
  • Attend and pay close attention during all preoperative appointments.
  • Follow the diet required by your plastic surgeon.
  • Discuss any medications with your doctor, including vitamins, herbs, and over-the-counter supplements.
  • Make sure to follow all instructions regarding food and drink.
  • Pack your bag the night before surgery – this ensures you have time to consider all the personal items you might need.

