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Fibrosis, Massage and the Ogee Roller

Fibrosis, Massage and the Ogee Roller

Millions of people undergo liposuction yearly, and while it can be a life-changing surgery, results can become hampered due to lumpy skin. After these types of procedures, compression and manipulation of the skin and tissue help rid the body of excess fluid and decrease inflammation that can lead to an issue called fibrosis.  


During a procedure that includes liposuction, there is a separation of tissue caused by the cannula, the device used by plastic surgeons to remove the body’s fat deposits. The body’s natural response to tissue separation is to repair it by creating fibers, which is what leads to fibrosis, or lumps and/or bumps near the incision site. While this isn’t an uncommon hurdle after liposuction, it is usually preventable with the proper proactive measures.

Lymphatic Massage 

Massages are always recommended to patients after liposuction or a BBL because it aids in recovery and minimizes a few potential issues (including fibrosis) that can arise after surgery. 

In fact, professional lymphatic massages should begin the day surgery. By promptly starting massages and wearing a faja, patients are taking a crucial step in minimizing the possibility of fibrosis and other issues.  

Certainly, lymphatic massage is vital to healing and absolutely necessary, but it can get pricy. And while a minimum of 10 professional lymphatic massages are recommended after surgery, Ogee Recovery’s Ogee Roller device is another way to ensure maximized healing while decreasing the changes of fibrosis.  

The Ogee Roller 

The Ogee Roller, with its attachable handles, textured surface, and deep vibration and heat modes, challenges even the most difficult fibrosis cases. Alongside lymphatic massage and wearing a compression garment, patients can ensure the smoothest skin by using the Ogee Roller daily from the comfort of their home. 

The device manipulates the skin using pressure, texture, and heat. Patients are encouraged to begin treatment one week after surgery and continue using the Ogee Roller for six months following surgery. The more frequently and the longer a patient rolls, the better their results.

To use, click on the detachable handles, and move the device like a rolling pin, applying the desired pressure. Begin by rolling the device on the skin without adding the device’s heat or vibration features. 

Once a patient has moved on to the second pass-through, turn on the vibration and heat modes (per comfort) to squash fibrosis before it starts!

In the early phase of recovery, patients may find using the Ogee Roller over top of their compression garment more comfortable. Further along in the healing process, patients are encouraged to use the Ogee Roller directly against the skin per their comfort level.

By taking the extra time to purchase and use the Ogee Roller, patients put the power in their hands and take a huge step in maximizing results.


