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17 Things to Avoid After Breast Augmentation

17 Things to Avoid After Breast Augmentation

Prioritizing Breast Health and Recovery: A Comprehensive Guide

After undergoing a breast augmentation, it's essential to take proactive steps to ensure your breasts heal optimally and maintain their long-term health. This guide offers valuable insights into post-surgery care, implant selection, and lifestyle recommendations to help you achieve the best possible results. By following these guidelines, you can optimize your recovery, minimize risks, and enjoy the benefits of your breast augmentation for years to come.

1. Neglecting Your Breasts

After your breast augmentation, it's essential to maintain regular, gentle contact with your breasts. Avoid ignoring them, as this can lead to pain and discomfort. On the day of your surgery, you can gently touch your entire breast, including the areola and nipple, without fear of causing any damage. This light touch will help prevent hypersensitivity and minimize potential pain.

2. Massaging Your Breasts

Contrary to past recommendations, it's now advised not to massage your breasts after the surgery. Manipulating the implants is unnecessary and can potentially disrupt the placement your surgeon has carefully determined. Instead, focus on lightly touching your breasts as needed, but avoid any aggressive massage or manipulation.

3. Opting for Saline Implants

When it comes to breast implants, silicone is generally considered the superior choice over saline. Silicone implants tend to have a softer, more natural feel and appearance, and they are less likely to cause issues with the surrounding tissue. While saline implants were once more common, the majority of breast augmentation patients in the United States now opt for the benefits of silicone.

4. Selecting Textured Implants

Textured breast implants, which have a slightly roughened surface, have been associated with a rare form of cancer called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). To minimize this risk, it's recommended to choose smooth, round implants instead of textured ones.

5. Opting for a Periareolar Incision

When undergoing breast augmentation, it's crucial to avoid the periareolar incision approach, where the incision is made around the areola. This incision method can potentially contaminate the implant, as it requires passing the implant through the breast tissue and ducts. To maintain the sterility of the implant and reduce the risk of complications, your surgeon should use an alternative incision location, such as the inframammary fold or transaxillary approach.

6. Choosing Implant Size Based on Social Media

It's tempting to base your implant size selection on the appearance of breasts you've seen on social media or in magazines. However, this approach can lead to an ill-fitting result. Instead, work closely with your surgeon to determine the appropriate implant size and profile based on your unique anatomy and desired aesthetic goals. Your surgeon's expertise and measurement tools will ensure you achieve the look you want.

7.Skipping a Mammogram

If you're 40 years of age or older, or approaching that milestone, it's crucial to schedule a mammogram before undergoing your breast augmentation. This screening can help detect any underlying breast health issues and establish a baseline for future comparisons.

8. Delaying Breast Augmentation Until After Childbearing

Many women mistakenly believe they should wait to have a breast augmentation until they have finished having children. However, this is not necessary. Your breasts' response to pregnancy and breastfeeding can vary greatly, regardless of whether you have implants or not. You can safely undergo a breast augmentation before or after having children, as the procedure will not interfere with your ability to nurse or the long-term appearance of your breasts.

9. Overlooking Implant Profile

When discussing your breast augmentation with your surgeon, be sure to discuss the different implant profiles available. The profile, or projection, of the implant can significantly impact the final appearance of your breasts. Higher profile implants tend to create a fuller, rounder look, while lower profile implants result in a more natural, subtle enhancement. Your surgeon can help you determine the best profile to achieve your desired aesthetic.

10. Failing to Verify Board Certification

It's essential to ensure your surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery. This certification ensures they have the necessary training, experience, and expertise to perform your breast augmentation safely and effectively. You can easily verify your surgeon's board certification by checking the American Board of Plastic Surgery's website.

11. Neglecting to Use the Ogee EZ-Bra

After your surgery, your surgeon will likely recommend the use of a bra, but the type of bra is important. The best bra to wear for recovery from a breast augmentation is the Ogee EZ-Bra.

The Ogee EZ-Bra is much more than a bra. It is really a dressing, bandage, band and bra all in one and it is the only sterile bra on the market. This specialized bra does a few things: 1. Because it is sterile and you put a new one on everyday for the first five days after surgery you protect your incisions from getting infected by keeping them covered with a sterile bandage. 2. It is comfortable and absorbable so any little bleeding is immediately absorbed and kept away from your incision.  3. With it soft straps the implants are cradled and kept in the exact position where your surgeon placed them. 4. It is comfortable to wear and very adjustable so fits everyone perfectly.

12. Ignoring Signs of Infection

If you experience any redness, swelling, or pain in your breasts after your surgery, it's essential to contact your surgeon immediately. These symptoms may indicate an infection, which can be a serious complication if left untreated. It is important to know that breast implant infections typically happened 30 days after the operation. Prompt attention from your surgeon can help prevent the infection from worsening and potentially requiring the removal of the implant.

13. Resuming Heavy Lifting Too Soon

After your breast augmentation, it's crucial to avoid heavy lifting for six weeks. This timeframe allows your incisions to heal properly and become strong enough to withstand distresses of working out vigorously. During the first three weeks, you can gradually increase your activity level with light exercise, such as walking on a treadmill. By the six-week mark, you can typically resume your normal exercise routine without restriction.

14. Believing Implants Require Routine Replacement

A common misconception is that breast implants need to be replaced every 10 years. This is not the case. As long as your implants are functioning properly and you are satisfied with the results, there is no need to replace them on a predetermined timeline. The only time you may need to consider implant replacement is if you experience a specific complication, such as capsular contracture or you are unhappy with your size or perhaps you have experienced some droop.

15. Limiting Arm Movement

After your breast augmentation, it's important to avoid the temptation to restrict your arm movements. While you should avoid vigorous exercises, gentle, normal arm movements, such as washing your hair or reaching for everyday items, are encouraged. Yes! Encouraged. We don’t want any robots walking around after a breast augmentation. Failing to use your arms can lead to a condition called "frozen shoulder," which can require additional rehabilitation to regain full range of motion.

16. Avoiding Sleeping on Your Stomach

Contrary to some outdated advice, you can safely sleep on your stomach after your breast augmentation. If this is your preferred sleeping position, you can continue to do so without concern for damaging your implants or impacting your recovery.

17. Neglecting Scar Care

To achieve the best possible scarring, it's essential to begin scar massage and the use of the Ogee Scar System three weeks after your surgery. Gently massaging the incisions in a circular and linear motions with the specially designed scar gel bottle, as well as applying silicone scar gels or sheets at night, will minimize the appearance of your scars over time.

By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can prioritize your breast health and ensure a successful recovery from your breast augmentation.
